Kintsugi Beauty & the Work of Justice: Embers' CEO presents the work of justice as restoring the fragments of beauty shattered by injustice and explains the importance of beholding in Embers' work.

The Hidden Reason for Poverty The World Needs to Address Now: Collective compassion has meant an overall decrease in global poverty since the 1980s, says civil rights lawyer Gary Haugen. Yet, for all the world's aid money, there is a pervasive hidden problem keeping poverty alive. In this Ted Talk, Haugen reveals the dark, underlying cause we must recognize - and why we must act now.

Justice and the Inner Life: Jedd Medefind, president of Christian Alliance For Orphans (CAFO), sits down with lawyer, human trafficking advocate, and entrepreneur Haejin Shim Fujimura to explore how justice applies to every sector – including business, medicine, homelife, and even a New York City law firm. 

Call to Mastery: The First Lawyers, Adam and Eve

Jordan Raynor sits down with Haejin Shim Fujimura to talk about the wild story of how a painting served as a wardrobe-like portal into the Kingdom, seeing Adam and Eve as lawyers before the Fall, and how she sees her work fighting human trafficking and her work as a civil litigator as Kingdom work.

Restoring Lives Through God’s Love & Justice Work: Through sharing her work as an advocate for the oppressed, particularly with women and children living in poverty in India, Embers International's CEO Haejin Shim Fujimura speaks on what mending looks like in a world full of brokenness, and why fighting for the wellbeing of the oppressed aligns with God’s vision for our lives.

Impossible Beauty Podcast - We Are All Artists: Haejin Shim Fujimura speaks on the power to create beautiful things in our own corner of the world. This podcast explores justice as ultimately functioning to create beautiful relationships and generative love, and that we can all create something new amid broken realities. This episode reminds us that we are not helpless onlookers of the brokenness in the world or in our own lives. Instead, we are all artists, empowered to infuse more beauty, love, and goodness into the world.

The Whole Person Revolution Podcast - Beauty from Ashes: What is the relationship between justice and beauty, repair and renewal? What inspires us to create? Makoto Fujimura, an artist, and Haejin Shim Fujimura, a lawyer, speak on building a richer understanding of the interdependencies that we all will need as we exit the pandemic and relate to an altered world.

CCO Podcast - Beauty + Justice: Did law exist before the Fall or was it a result of the Fall? What is the definition of justice? What is the relationship, if any, between beauty and justice? Why are we called to seek justice? How can we love our God and neighbors as a lawyer? How do we navigate the current world as a lawyer? Tune into this podcast to hear Haejin Shim Fujimura explore these questions and more.

Holding Up The Ladder: How do beauty, art, and justice intersect? Can beauty be found in justice, can art be used as an instrument for justice? What does justice really mean? Haejin Shim and Makoto Fujimura talk about faith and beauty as a journey into the new.

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